There are a million reasons why you may want to be able to convert written text documents into spoken word files as needed. Perhaps you or someone you wish to prepare a file for is hard of hearing. You might want to create easy-to-access audio files of important written items so that you can easily absorb them at the gym through your iPod or in your car on the way to work. Then there are people who simply learn and absorb information better in spoken word format than via reading.
Whatever your reasons, it’s handy to have a collection of go-to software programs and other such options available for your personal use should the need to convert text to speech arise. However, in these trying economic times, many of us would honestly prefer not to have to sell a kidney in order to be able to afford something we can work with.
That’s where the concept of freebies comes in… something many people don’t realize relates to handy options like the ability to convert text to speech online. We’re not just talking about a discount either. We’re talking about programs and resources that are 100% free to use. Let’s take a look at a list of some of the best options available today.
One of the most important things to consider when looking for websites and programs that can convert text to speech is flexibility. Zamzar offers you that and then some. All you need to do is visit the site and have the text you want converted ready to go. It doesn’t matter if it’s a prepared text document stored on your computer or something that’s online like a particular web page. (In the event it’s a web page, all you need is the URL.) You’ll be able to covert items up to 100MB in size without a hitch.
Best of all, you will have plenty of options in regards to the output. Choose from MP3, MP4, RM, and a wide variety of other choices as well. There’s no need to give away a lot of your personal information in order to use this service either. However, you will need to provide a valid e-mail address in order to receive your file upon completion.
This is definitely a website you’ll want to consider for resources if you ever need to convert text files to speech, but need to be able to do so in different languages. While most similar services focus on English only, vozMe actually supports other options like Italian, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, and more as well. This makes it a perfect choice for language students who would really like to convert more of their difficult written lessons into listenable, convenient speech files for absorbing on the go.
Plus, vozMe offers the ultimate in convenience. They provide you with the option to install simple, easy-to-use apps that make it simple to convert documents or web pages in a flash at a moment’s notice. Choose from apps for every major browser, iGoogle, Facebook, or even your own personal website or blog.
Who doesn’t love Wikipedia? It’s a wealth of information that can be useful for a number of different purposes. It’s no wonder hundreds of millions of people count on it for a great head start when it comes to grasping difficult subjects, learning for pleasure, or doing research for papers and other types of projects. If you’ve ever wished you could easily convert pages on Wikipedia to user-friendly speech interactions instead, then PediaPhon just might be the text conversion website you’ve been waiting for all your life.
All you need to do is input the same search term you would type into Wikipedia into PediaPhon instead and it will be instantly read out to you right through your browser. This makes it a great option for people who like to have information read to them while they multi-task on other things. Plus, it supports a variety of different languages beyond just English, including German, Spanish, French, Czech, and a wealth of other options.
Many people want to be able to have control over more than just the output setting or the input options when it comes to converting text to speech for free online. They also wish they had a say in what the voice reading the speech actually sounds like. Festvox actually gives you that option, so if you’ve ever wished you could handpick the voice you hear your documents read in, this is for you.
Simply enter the text to be converted into the provided field, choose your favorite output setting from the handy dropdown menu, and then select from 12 different voice options to your liking. You can not only choose between male and female voices, but you can choose different nationalities and accents as well.
Here is another terrific free speech conversion pick that actually packs a lot of options for people who like choices. With ABC2MP3, you can convert up to 2000 characters at a time from text to clearly spoken speech formats. You also get a choice in regards to the voice your documents will be recorded in, just as with Festvox. (Pick from four different options.)
The program works efficiently and it’s certainly convenient, but you need to be willing to accept your finished files in MP3 format as the name of the program/website would suggest. You will also be required to enter a valid e-mail address at which you can receive your file.
Here we have a truly stellar option for converting text to speech online for free. SpokenText allows you to upload text documents in a variety of different formats including txt, ppt, doc, or even pdf in sizes up to 1.5MB to start with. You can also record text from online web pages by providing the program with the URL. However, it’s important to note that the free option is only temporary – about 7 days. After that, if you wish to continue using the service long-term, you’ll need to upgrade.